Realization of activity is very important for an animal. Especially for big dogs. During the day they sleep, eat and save energy. If you do not take the dog for a walk or take it out for a short time, the dog will begin to realize his energy at home. This can result in torn pillows, upside-down houseplants, chewed shoes.
Walking a dog is an essential element of daily pet care. The only exceptions are small puppies, who are not recommended to go outside and contact other animals before the first vaccinations.
An adult dog needs to walk at least two hours a day. At this time, the dog breathes fresh air, expends its energy and goes to the toilet. For the convenience of the animal, walking is carried out 2-3 times a day. If the dog lives in a house or apartment, walking several times a day allows you to comfortably satisfy physiological needs and not hold it for a long time.
Nutrition is one of the most important parts of a dog's life. A lot of factors depend on how well the diet is chosen:
• animal health;
• fur condition;
• dog activeness;
• sleep;
• condition of the teeth;
• mood and temper.
In the first months of life, the ideal food for a puppy is breast milk. When dogs are weaned from their mother, they are gradually transferred to natural feeding and specialized food.
When choosing natural food, remember that the dog's diet should include:
• meat;
• porridge;
• vegetables and greens;
• cottage cheese.
It is allowed to replace meat with co-products (stomachs, hearts, liver) only 1-2 times per week. Every day, the dog should receive vegetables and greens that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Once a week, dogs are given a chicken egg or several quail eggs. 1-2 times a week, dogs are given cottage cheese. Milk and dairy products should be avoided.
Categorically exclude:
• fried food;
• pastry products - bread, rolls, pies, cakes;
• smoked products;
• fatty food;
• food with seasonings and spices;
• chocolate.
It is absolutely impossible to feed a dog from the table!
Every three months, the dog should be given vitamin supplements and calcium.
Every day, the you have to prepare a new fresh portion of food.
The second food option is special food. Its main advantage is balance. Pet owners do not need to calculate how much meat to give the dog for lunch, how much food to give at each meal, how much porridge to put in the evening and how many quail eggs to feed the pet. Specialized dog food includes all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
From the first days of life, the dog needs to be properly cared for. This is not only food and walking of the animal, but also regular hygiene procedures. Care of hair, teeth, claws, skin, ears, oral cavity reduces the number of diseases in the animal and provides an attractive appearance.
Dog grooming includes regular brushing and bathing.
Bathe dogs once in 1-2 months. In this case, the following means are used:
• shampoo;
• lotion or a conditioner.
The dog is carefully combed out every week, and combed daily, 1-2 times a day.
Every day, the dog's ears are inspected for the presence of mites and dirt. If the ears do not get dirty, they should be wiped 1-2 times a week.
If the dog's ears are constantly dirty, you must:
• get advice from a veterinarian;
• exclude possible allergens from the diet;
• clean ears every day or every other day.
To clean the ears of a dog, you will need several cotton pads and a cleansing lotion. It is better to stop using cotton buds - they can injure the ear when the dog twitches.
Dogs' eyes are examined daily - they should be transparent, shiny, without clouding. Transparent secretions and their accumulation in the corners of the eyes after sleep are normal for dogs of all breeds. For the convenience of the dog, accumulated secretions and crusts are removed with a simple cotton swab dipped in lotion or alcohol-free antiseptic solution.
Cotton wool is not used - it can scratch the corner of the eye. Eye care is done every week.
Dogs should regularly walk outside and run on different types of soil. Then their paws receive a sufficient load, and the claws grind off. But even if the dog walks regularly, it is necessary to carefully examine its claws once every two weeks. When the claws are not sharpened properly and they split, the dog feels pain and discomfort when walking. You need to inspect the dog's paws after each walk - this will help to identify splinters, ticks and foreign objects.
Dogs that live in an apartment and do not walk or walk rarely have their claws trimmed every four weeks. Grooming is an important part of keeping a dog.
In dogs that constantly walk and grind their claws, it is necessary to monitor the side claws, because they often grow and do not reach the ground - they do not grind off.